3 bedrooms
2 bathrooms
2 levels
Living space area (basement exclu.) 953 ft² (88.54 m²)
Lot dimensions 13 000 ft² (1 207.74 m²)

Owners’ comments

Automated translation

At the ski center Le Valinouet

Magnificent alpine chalet

Great location on Vail Street

Access to 3 ski chair lifts

Back to the chalet by the slopes

At 7 chalets from the pub

2 steps from the ice rink

Tube Slides

Large walk in of 10 x 10 for the whole family located near the front door.

Fat bike mountain bike cross-country skiing snowshoeing downhill skiing snowmobile hunting fishing.

Free for the first of December 2021

Possibility to add rooms on the large mezzanine

Ability to enlarge easily securely screw piles

Large garage for an ATV and a snowmobile

Gas stove and fireplace

The seller declares to be acting in a personal capacity and not as a general contractor. This sale is therefore made with the legal guarantee of the right of ownership, but without any guarantee of quality as to the buildings erected there, the buyer acknowledging that it has no recourse against the seller for hidden defects of any kind and accepting the immovable at its own risk with regard to the quality guarantee only, all by compliance with sections 1732 and 1733 of the Civil Code of Quebec.

all signed in front of Master Josee Girard

Complete Description
Complete Description

Property features

Property Style
Cathedral roof
Municipal Assessment
Backyard Faces
Year of construction

Room dimensions

Open concept
Storey: Main floor
Dimensions: 24' x 28' (7,32 m x 8,53 m)
Flooring: Bamboo
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1 1/2 Storey

St-David-de-Falardeau Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean

No. 947871

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