Additional Features:
- Hot Water
- Parking
- Washer / Dryer Connection
- Students
- Dishwasher access
- Storage
- Backyard access
- Non-smoking
Equipments Included:
- Air Conditioning
- Air Exchanger
- Walk-in Closet
Health Care Proximity:
- Dentist
- Medical Center
- Health Club/Spa
Markets Proximity:
- Supermarket
- Drugstore
- Financial institution
- Restaurant
- Shopping Center
- Bar
Schools Proximity:
- Daycare
- Kindergarten
- Elementary School
- High School
- Highway Access
- Near Park
- No Backyard Neighbors
- Residential Area
- Public Transportation
Landlord’s comments
Superb apartment (ground floor of a triplex) with 2 bedrooms, 1 windowless office, 1 store, a kitchen with island, a shower with separate bathtub, and a living room, located in Aylmer, close to all services and available for October 1, 2024.
It rents for $1,850, and a credit report has to be done. Parking, snow removal, and lawn mowing are included. Washer, dryer, and dishwasher outlets. Air conditioning and air exchanger. Electric heating.
If interested, you can visit it on a weekend. Non-smoking and pet-free contract.