Lot description:
- Flat geography
- partially wooded
- Clay
- Sand
- No backyard neighbors
- Residential area
Near Commerce:
- Supermarket
- Drugstore
- Restaurant
- Shopping Center
Near Health Services:
- Hospital
- Dentist
- Medical center
- Health Center (spa / massage)
Near Educational Services:
- Day nursery
- Kindergarten
- Elementary school
- High School
Near Recreational Services:
- Gym
- Library
- ATV trails
- Cycling path
Owners’ comments
Automated translation
Original comments
WOW Great opportunity! Land more or less 19 acres total (half Saint-Prosper, half Sainte-Rose) 15 acres of cultivation and 4 acres of mixed woodland. Ideal for vegetable cultivation, agro tourism or small breeding of horses or others
.Nice site for hunting deer, turkey and others.
WOW Belle opportunité ! Terre plus ou moins 19 acres total (moitié Saint-Prosper, moitié Sainte-Rose) 15 acres culture et 4 acres boisé mixte. Idéal pour culture maraichère, agro touriste ou petit élevage chevaux ou autres.
Beau site pour chasse au chevreuil, dinde et autres.