Discover our real estate blog that offers a wide range of articles to help you learn everything about setting the selling price, the offer to purchase, market statistics and much more!

Real estate statistics for the 4th quarter of 2024: inventory starts to dwindle due to key rate cuts
Stay on top of recent developments in the Quebec real estate market with this quarterly report compiled by the DuProprio team.
The Quick Real Estate MinuteThe latest real estate stats for the Province of Quebec: median selling price, average selling time, inventory of properties, variation of policy interest rate.
6 kitchen trends to inspire your renovations in 2025Whether you plan to spend a lot of time in your kitchen or want to attract higher offers to purchase, these inspirations will help you design a modern and welcoming space.
7 tips to get your home ready for an open houseFocus on these 7 tips to get your home ready for sale on Your mission? Attract as many potential buyers as possible to stop by an open house.
6 factors that impact how long a house will take to sellSeveral things can affect how much time it takes for a property to sell. Even though each owner has the power to influence the selling time in various ways, some aspects are outside their control.
Real estate statistics for the 3rd quarter of 2024: sales prices reach record highsThe Quebec real estate market remained buoyant in the third quarter, thanks in part to key rate cuts that made home ownership easier for a number of buyers, and to a limited supply of available properties.
The role of a notary in real estate transactionsIn Quebec, all real estate transactions have to go through a notary. The buyer usually chooses which one to go to.
8 steps for a successful home staging of your kitchenDiscover how homestaging, especially in the kitchen, can transform your space and attract potential buyers.
Property assessment roll: variations and their impactThe property assessment roll determines the amount of municipal taxes payable. Learn how to consult it and understand its impact.
Setting your asking price by using comparablesTo establish a good selling price, real estate appraisers and owners prefer to analyze real estate comparables.