Owners’ comments

Automated translation

Two lots for sale in Mercier for self-construction or turnkey

Address of the land that was subdivided: 845 Sainte-Marguerite Blvd., Mercier (QC) J6R 2L1

Civic address number coming soon for each lot

Price per lot: $288,000 plus taxes

Price for both lots: $499,000 plus taxes

Land #1: area of 24,020 ft²
Land #2: area of 23,997 ft²

Municipal aqueduct

Sanitary sewer to be installed by the future owner (ÉcoFlo, Bionest, etc.)

Single-family or bi-generation home only (multi-unit not authorized)

For more information or to see our available models and projects, visit our website at www.cclermont.ca or contact us at: (450) 454-5888 -

Complete Description
Complete Description

Property features

Lot dimensions 24 000 ft² (2 229.67 m²)
Starting at