Lot dimensions
1 555 385.06 ft² (14.45 hectares)
Lot description:
- Water Access
- Panoramic view
- Mountain geography
- Mature trees
- electricity
- building lot
- follows de mountain side
- uneven
- Gravel
- Rock
- Black soil
- No backyard neighbors
- Residential area
Near Commerce:
- Supermarket
- Drugstore
- Bank
- Restaurant
- Bar
Near Health Services:
- Hospital
- Dentist
Near Educational Services:
- Elementary school
- High School
Near Recreational Services:
- Golf resort
- ATV trails
- Ski resort
- Cycling path
Near Tourist Services:
- National Park
Owners’ comments
Automated translation
Original comments
For sale 1 wood lot forming part of the Seignerie de Perthuis in Rivière-à-Pierre.
Lot no.: 6583945. Mixed hardwood and softwood. Access road with notarized right of way. Great for deer hunting. Nearby there is the Black River, the Nelson Batiscan ZEC, the Nelson Batiscan ZEC, the Portneuf reserve, the bike path, the snowmobile and mountain bike trails. Right to build a cottage or single-family home, but water and sewer not provided.
Lot area 14.45 hectares = 42 acres = 42 acres = 35 acres.
À vendre 1 lot à bois faisant partie de la Seignerie de Perthuis à Rivière-à-Pierre.
No du lot : 6583945. Boisé mixte feuillus et résineux. Chemin d'accès avec droit de passage notarié. Excellent pour chasse au chevreuil. À proximité il y a la rivière noire, la zec batiscan Nelson, la réserve Portneuf, la piste cyclable, les sentiers de motoneige et de VTT. Droit de construire chalet ou maison unifamiliale, mais aqueduc et égout non fournis.
Superficie du lot 14.45 hectares = 42 arpents = 35 âcres.