Additional Features:
- Parking
- Pet Friendly
- Washer / Dryer Connection
- Pool
Health Care Proximity:
- Hospital
- Dentist
- Medical Center
- Health Club/Spa
Markets Proximity:
- Supermarket
- Drugstore
- Financial institution
- Restaurant
- Shopping Center
Schools Proximity:
- Daycare
- Kindergarten
- Elementary School
- High School
- University
- Highway Access
- Near Park
- Public Transportation
Landlord’s comments
Automated translation
Original comments
At Domaine de Brugnon, you can enjoy the tranquility of the place. Several services, within the complex, are available to tenants. The estate is distinguished by the proximity of services such as schools, shops and major roads.
Here are the services that you can find at Domaine de Brugnon:
*See details on site.
*Photos for information purposes only
At Domaine de Brugnon, we accept small pets.
Contact us for more information!
Au Domaine de Brugnon, vous pourrez profiter de la tranquillité des lieux. Plusieurs services, à même le complexe, sont à la disposition des locataires. Le domaine se distingue par la proximité des services tels que les écoles, magasins et grands axes routiers.
Voici les services que vous pourrez retrouver au Domaine de Brugnon:
*Voir détails sur place.
*Photos à titre indicatifs
Au Domaine de Brugnon, nous acceptons les petits animaux de compagnie.
Contactez-nous pour plus d'informations !