Declaration of the seller

Document - Offer to purchase and counteroffer

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  • Declaration of the Seller

The buyer can ask the seller to provide a form called the "Declarations by the seller of the immovable."

This is an important document that sketches a portrait of the property, its condition and its history. The seller must include in this document any information that can influence the value of the property.

What is included in the declarations by the seller?

Here is a summary of what is covered in the declarations by the seller:

  • Identification of the seller(s) (name, information, etc.)
  • General information about the property (year of construction, year of purchase, etc.)
  • Problems with the property (visible defects and factors that can lower the property value, such as water damage or insolation problems)
  • Renovations and work done on the property
  • The seller(s)’ signature and a confirmation of receipt which must be signed by the buyer