Floor coverings:
- Concrete
- Laminate
- Hardwood
- Soft wood
- Linoleum
- Wooden cabinets
- Dishwasher
Equipment/Services Included:
- Central vacuum
- Fireplace
- Humidifier
- A/C
- Bath and shower
- Totally finished
- Potential income
Parking / Driveway:
- Paving stone
- Highway access
- Near park
- Residential area
- Public transportation
Near Commerce:
- Supermarket
- Drugstore
- Financial institution
- Restaurant
- Shopping Center
Near Health Services:
- Dentist
- Medical center
Near Educational Services:
- Daycare
- Kindergarten
- Elementary school
- High School
- College
Near Recreational Services:
- Golf course
- Gym
- Sports center
- Library
- Ski resort
- Bicycle path
- Pedestrian path
Owners’ comments
Automated translation
Original comments
This property is unique, right on the bike path.
The upper bathroom and the floors will be changed and the work will be completed in a few days. However, the owner is completing some renovations that have already begun. This house is located on the most beautiful land in the area. Cedars over 12 feet up to 19 feet have been planted to obtain short-term privacy. Three cedars will be replaced in the coming days
.It's up to you to judge!
Cette propriété est unique, collé sur la piste cyclable.
La salle de bain du haut les planchers seront changés, les travaux terminés d'ici quelques jours. Le propriétaire termine toutefois certains réaménagement déjà entamé. Cette maison est situé sur le plus beau terrain du secteur. Des cèdres de plus de 12 pieds jusqu'à 19 pieds ont été plantés pour obtenir un intimité à court terme. Trois cèdres seront remplacés dans les prochains jours.
À vous d'en juger !