DuProprio.com is the most liked real estate site in Quebec!
Published on September 20, 2019
We’ve known for many years that Quebecers are naturally turning to DuProprio.com when looking for a property. But now we know that our site is the most liked real estate site in Quebec!1
This was found by a survey carried out by the firm Ad Hoc recherche. The study, which looked at the appreciation for the major real estate sites in Quebec, confirmed that DuProprio.com is a key resource for consumers looking for a new home.
Traffic on our site has grown consistently, year after year. In fact, the number of visits exploded in 2020. First, we recorded some 8.2 million visits in May, then 8.8 million in June2: a new record! These figures clearly demonstrate the growing popularity of DuProprio.com, while the results of this study attest to its quality.
“Not only are buyers coming to our site, but they are increasingly enjoying browsing it when searching for a property,” says Frédéric Auger, senior director of sales and marketing at DuProprio. “With over 6 million2 visits per month and about 23,0003 properties for sale, DuProprio.com is definitely a must for property seekers in Quebec!”
All-around appreciation!
Survey participants had to give their appreciation for five aspects of the real estate websites presented. DuProprio was ranked first in all categories.
For overall appreciation, respondents gave our site a score of 94%.1 The platforms were also evaluated by respondents for photo quality and ease of navigation, for which we received a grade of 92%.1 And lastly, DuProprio.com scored 91%1 for the ease of searching for a property, and 89%1 for the amount of information available in the listings.
When online buyers enjoy a website, they’ll get more out of the time they spend there. That makes your chances of finding a buyer even better thanks to the visibility offered by DuProprio.com!